> Programs & Services > Special Education > Parents CornerShare : Common Acronyms Page Content​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â€‹ ​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹ Catalog-Item Reuse â€[1]‬ common-acronyms Programs and Curriculum AEP Annual Education Plan ARDAcademic Resource Department IEP Individual Education Plan IB International Baccalaureate IPRC Identification, Placement and Review Committee NM Needs ModerateNS Needs Severe PECS Picture Exchange Communication System PICS Picture Symbols PIP Planning for Independence Program (S-severe, M-moderate) SENSSensitivity Class Categories, Definitions, and Diagnosis ABI Acquired Brain Injury ADDAttention Deficit Disorder ADHD Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder CP Cerebral Palsy DD Developmental Disability DEV Developmental DH Developmental Handicapped DHH Deaf and Hard of Hearing EDI Early Development Instrument EIDEarly Identification LD Learning Disability MID Mild Intellectual Disability IPRC Identification, Placement and Review Committee NM Needs Moderate NOS Not otherwise specified OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder PDD Pervasive Development Disorder PHYS/MED Physical Medical Funding SEASpecial Equipment AmountSEPPASpecial Education Per Pupil AmountSIPSpecial Incidence Portion Government ADPAssistive Devices ProgramADRSAssistive Devices Rehabilitation ServicesMCFCSMinistry of Community Family and Children Services MOEMinistry of EducationMOHLTCMinistry of Health and Long-Term CarePPMProgram Policy Memorandum Outside Associations, Agencies and Staff BCCL Brampton Caledon Community LivingCAS Children’s Aid SocietyCASLPO College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario CCAC Community Care Access CentreCCAS Catholic Children’s Aid SocietyCLM Community Living Mississauga CNIB Canadian National Institute for the BlindCVH Credit Valley HospitalHSC Hospital for Sick ChildrenLDAO Learning Disabilities Association of OntarioOT Occupational TherapyPBS Peel Behavioural ServicesPCC Peel Children’s CentrePOPS Peel Out-Patient ServicesPT PhysiotherapyTRE-ADDTreatment, Research and Education for Autism and Developmental Disorder Other AQAdditional Qualifications CoursesCCCSACCentral Committee Catholic School Advisory CouncilCODECouncil of Directors of EducationCOROCentral Ontario Regional OfficesCPCOCatholic Principals Council of OntarioCPICrisis Prevention Intervention CPRCardio-pulmonary ResuscitationDPERWADufferin-Peel Educational Resource Workers AssociationEQAOEducation Quality and Accountability OfficeGAPGeneral Administrative ProceduresOCSOAOntario Catholic Supervisory Officers AssociationOCTOntario College of TeachersOECTAOntario English Catholic Teachers Association OSROntario Student RecordSEACSpecial Education Advisory Committee